ckotinko (ckotinko) wrote,

Актеры играют родителей убитых детей.

из каментов:

Fun fact: the greenbergs (actors playing the parents in here) have lived; in aurora, colorado, then they moved to connecticut. They're associated with Weiyan Xia and Zhiwen Ma, two people who work at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals. All of these "lone wolf" killers were all heavily medicated. It all pieces together.

And yes, they are actors, Tony phelps and his "wife" are portrayed by a Tony and Jennifer greenberg, they have been interviewed as different people at a few different tragedies

Все, бля.

UPD: да это не актеры вовсе, ребятушки. это крупная рыба

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